Meditative dance is a way of thinking in harmony with the Nature. Information about nature is received through the body, which is our closest part to the nature. By bringing together the components of self, the Body- representing the matter and the material- the Mind – representing the mental and the intellectual- and the Spirit representing the collective memory, the unconscious and the emotional, it offers a unique balance which is reflected in awareness.
Unlike modern life dream of, the human is far more than being only an individual. His bonds connect him with his history, land, other people and his nature. The human intelligence, rising in the modern age against Nature and emotion, has developed a sort of consciousness, which values the individual and sublimates human mind as opposed to Nature. Dysfunctioning the intuitive mind and coveting the Matter for the sake of improvement, the human being imprisoned itself in its self-created reality that results in alienation.
Meditative dance takes its roots from the movement meditation of Sufis, from their philosophy of consistent change and growth, cosmic movement and their translucent approach to macro and micro cosmos. With dynamic meditation, Sufis laid the grounds for energy concentration, by combining the consciousness, which Yogis found in stability, with the movement of Earth. They were feeling deep inside that the energy is dispersed and that we are all a part of each other and the Nature.
Meditative dance seeks a systematic integration of body in the series of exercises, starting from ancient techniques and extending to the most contemporary implementations. Depending on the star-like design of body, which is the symbol of perfection, it formulates the area of implementation of these techniques. It centrally utilizes the fractal principles of similarity to its own and the sensitive connection with the original situation.
The combination of opposites to create the whole in eastern and western techniques is attained through the principles of openness and equality introduced by Sufism philosophy.
With straightening the posture, protecting and strengthening the accordion-like structure of spinal cord, it gives human the self-confidence and health he deserves. It protects and saves the body forever from wrong habits as well as aches, physical and mental unhealthiness and illnesses.
You can re-shape your body once attained Body Consciousness. You reach at the real, strong body and have control on your illnesses and disabilities. You can listen to your body and direct it. It also listens to you and helps you express yourself as you will; assisting you in manifesting your relations with yourself and others in the creative combinations you form. This helps you harmonize with Life.