International Conference Program
‘Cultural Empathy and Communicative Intelligence”
6-7 May 2010
Istanbul Archeology Museum
Mimar Sinan University
v Dialogue for Arts
v Dialogue for Peace
v Dialogue for Mobility
The Conference acts as a further opportunity to promote intercultural dialogue; by establishing a conceptual framework for cultural and artistic exchange throughout Europe and the rest of the world; emphasizing the pioneering role of arts as a direct communication medium; and reflecting on the idea that Arts can be an effective tool to advance understanding and dialogue by creating new forms of communication.
The conference program, developed on the basis of Jurgen Habermas’ work in communicative reason and action, focuses on the theme of “Communicative Intelligence” by searching the way for building a common artistic language, pointing at aesthetic expressive reason and its effects on politics for common future, increasing opportunities for joint works and mobility, and establishing a platform for dialogue throughout Europe and the Mediterranean.
For conference registration, please visit:
IG Freie Theaterarbeit, Austria
Teatro Inverso, Italy
Teater Centrum, Sweden
Pro Rodopi Art Foundation, Bulgaria
Kud Samosvoj, Slovenia
Turkish Ministry of Culture, Istanbul Cultural Directorate, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, European Cultural Institutions including Goethe Institute, Italian Cultural Center, Austrian Cultural Office, BMUK, Swedish Art Council and ProHelvetia; Partner Theaters and Art Institutions, EON Network
Promotion Partners: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Italian Chamber of Trade in Turkey, European Cultural Association (AKD), Istanbul Convention and Visitors Bureau (ICVB), Istanbul Performing Arts Development Association (IPADA)
Information about the plenary program is provided below. The program, starting with protocol speeches and opening panel on 6th May, covers an Academic Conference and Arts Conference program. The academic conference will be followed by specific sessions and open discussions, whereas the arts conference will be followed by presentations, panel discussions as well as artistic workshops held with the participation of well-known theater artists and directors. Representatives from Turkish Government, T.R. Ministry of Culture, International Cultural Institutions and foreign embassies in Turkey will also participate in the opening of the conference to deliver speeches.
Plenary Speakers:
Pieter Duvenage, Monash University
Sabine Kock, Vienna University
Christian Schulte, Vienna University
Veysi Kondu, Bilgi University
Stefan Zweifel, Zurich University
Markus Kupferblum, Regisseur, Author
Sean Aita, Arts University College Bournemouth
Moderators: Selcan Kaynak (BU), Irena Ristic, Ilkay Sevgi
6th MAY 2010, THURSDAY
10.00 -16.30
In the survey made among artists participating in the Meeting, the most desired theme to discuss during panels was specified as the formation of infrastructure for joint works, initiating multicultural art projects and building cooperation. In addition to the strong institutional structure in Europe supporting contemporary arts, there are too many things to do in order to respond to this demand. Artists see forward, show a desire to communicate, seek inspiration of new encounters and share the stage!
Today, many of the urgent problems related with environment, conflicts and even economy awaits the cultural world to lighten up the way and reach collective wisdom by empathy skills and sincere communication opportunities of arts.
Plenary Session
10.00 – 10.20
‘Artistic, Political and Financial situation of Fringe Theatre in Europe’
Speaker: Markus Kupferblum, Germany
‘Objectives of Third Space Conference and EON Network'
Speaker: Barbara Stuwe Essel, Austrian Association of Independent Theater, Austria
'Mobility of Artists'
Speaker: Davide D'Antonio, Teatro Inverso, Italy
11.30- 11.50
‘Recent Experiences in Networking: Plan C’
Speaker: (IETM)
11.50- 12.10
‘Cooperation Projects in the EU and the New Generation’
Sean Aita, Arts University College Bournemouth
12.10- 12.30
Joint Debate -1st Session
‘Residency Projects: ETRE Example’
Speaker, ETRE Foundation- Italy
13.50- 14.10
‘EU Funding: Cooperation Projects with Eastern Europe and Candidate States’
Klaus Karlbauer, Karlbauer Multimedia, Austria
14.10- 14.30
‘Performing Arts in Slovenia with a focus on Cooperation Projects’
Bara Kolenc, Kud Samosvoj, Slovenia
14.30- 15.30
Joint Debate -2nd Session
Moderators: Irena Ristic (Serbia), Derya Yuksek (METU)
15.30 – 16.30
15.30 – 15.45 What's behind the Olive Tree?
A Project with 4 partners from different countries and art genres (Karlbauer Multimedia - AT, Udruga Sicureca - HR, Simya Arts - TR, National Theater of Kosova) The olive tree grows all over the Mediterranean region. This region is characterized by cultural plurality but also by numerous conflicts. The olive tree is considered as a symbol of victory and peace across all borders. What is behind this symbol?
Klaus Karlbauer, Karlbauer Multimedia, Austria
15.45- 16.00 "Lets talk Politics"
A lecture discussing the use of language as the ground base for reinforcing political ideas and notions and more particularly, the role of theatrical language as a political and cultural signifier.
Guy Gutman, School of Visual Theater, Israel
16.00- 16.15 Evolution of Art Salon, Theater and Trans-Europa Social Media
All about art, culture and the possibility to evolve together, panel facilitated discussions in an open forum format. Theme is inclusive also about artists rights to mobility scheme within the EU and the impact of social media and social performances.
Delphine Kini Mei, Austria
7th MAY 2010, FRIDAY
10.00 -11.00
‘Cultural Relations and Infrastructure for Cooperation Projects’
The panel program, which is organized on 6th May 2010 with the participation of officials from T.R. Ministry of Culture, other protocol members, members of EU Commission as well as officers from foreign embassies in Turkey, Goethe Institut, Austrian Cultural Office and Italian Cultural Institute, will focus on the subjects:
‘Cultural Relations and Cooperation: Turkey and Europe’
‘Intercultural Communication and Cooperation Projects’
‘Joint Work Infrastructure and Funding- EU Culture Program’
‘Communication across Cultures; Cultural Empathy :Aesthetic Communicative Reason’
TR Culture Ministry representatives (names to be announced)
Cultural Contact Point Turkey -CCP (names to be announced)
Claudia Hahn-Raabe, Goethe Institut Istanbul
Gabriella Fortunato, Italian Cultural Center
Christian Brunmayer, Austrian Cultural Office
IETM (names to be announced)
Mahir Namur, European Cultural Foundation
7th MAY 2010, FRIDAY
11.15 -17.00
Plenary Session
Instrumental reason gives the way to communicative reason in the post modern world. One basic question remains beside ever-growing communication technologies; ‘What to Communicate’. A deeper understanding of human world and comprehended consensus can only be achieved through arts and aesthetic approach. The best medium is the mechanism of cultural relations. Communication and expressive mind may lead to emancipation from subjective judgment of individual and helps to establish a common world, common values for all.
11.15- 11.30 Opening ( Veysi T.Kondu, Ilkay Sevgi)
11.30 – 12.00
'Critical Theory - First Generation Frankfurt School Scholars and Arts'
Speaker: Sabine Kock, Vienna University
12.00 -12.30
'Second Generation of Frankfurt School' & Philosophy of Habermas'
Speaker: Veysi T. Kondu, Bilgi University
13.30- 14.00
‘Towards Communicative Aesthetics’
Speaker: Pieter Duvenage, Monash University
(Author of 'Habermas and Aesthetics, Limits of Communicative Reason')
14.00- 14.30
‘Dialogues with the Spectator’
Speaker: Christian Schulte, Vienna University
‘Dadaism and its Reflections’
Speaker: Stefan Zweifel, Zurich University
Plenary Session Joint Debate
'Communication for Peace and the Role of Artists '
For detailed information: